
Moshal Haggadah
The most exquisite illuminated Haggadah ever made, Jerusalem 2024

Kennicott Bible
The most exquisite of all Hebrew bibles, written and illuminated in La Coruña, Spain, 1476

Parma Psalter
A beautifully illustrated early book of Psalms (Tehillim) with a commentary by Abraham Ibn Ezra. Parma, Italy c. 1300

Rothschild Miscellany
The most lavish of all Hebrew manuscripts. 948 pages of which 816 illuminated pages illustrate almost every custom of Jewish life. Northern Italy, 1479

Barcelona Haggadah
One of the finest illuminated Hebrew manuscripts in the collections of London’s British Library C. 1340

Catalan Mahzor
A prayer book for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur according to the Catalonian Rite famous for its extraordinary micrography. Catalonia, Spain C. 1280

North French Miscellany
The most sumptuous extant Hebrew treasure from France. Written and lavishly illustrated circa 1278 during a period of profound importance in the history and culture of the Jewish people.

Copper Scroll
Discovered accidentally in 1952 in Cave 3 near Qumran.
C. 70 C.E.

Dead Sea Scrolls
The largest and most important Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in 1947. Perhaps the most important find of the 20th Century. C. 120 BCE

St John’s Gospel
Among the most significant examples of early New Testament manuscripts including the earliest portion of any New Testament writing.
C. 1-2 CE

Alba Bible
A superb example of manuscript illumination. The first translation of the Hebrew bible into Castilian by Rabbi Moses Arragel at the behest of Don Luis de Guzmán, Knight of the Order of Calatrava. Maqueda, Spain, 1422 to 1430

Perek Shirah
A cosmic hymn to the Creator in which all of Creation, including the winds, clouds, all species of birds, mammals and fish sing praises for their very existence.

Rothschild Haggadah
Written in northern Italy in 1479, this Haggadah is one of the most exquisite sections of the Israel Museum’s Rothschild Miscellany, a manuscript unrivalled in richness and scope.

Me’ah Berachot
A miniature prayer book handwritten and illuminated in Central Europe during the 18th century.

Megillat Esther
A superb, eighteenth century illustrated manuscript scroll on fine sheepskin parchment in a silver winder.