Folio 51
Barcelona Haggadah
Folio 51
Folio 51
These are the ten plagues … namely blood, frogs, lice, wild animals … ‘Both sides of the folio feature elaborate borders and decorated initial word panels, where a little frog is illustrated above the reference to it in the enumeration of the plagues in the text. The decorative panel at the foot of the text contains a mnemonic formed by Rabbi Judah out of the initial letter of the name of each plague. Verso, the illuminated panel containing the initial words ‘Rabbi Jose’ incorporates a scene in which the rabbi is depicted as a medieval teacher sitting in a chair somewhat higher than his two pupils’, holding an open book in his right hand and pointing to his students with his left, who share another codex. This miniature has been left so incomplete that the rabbi’s clothes, and the faces and chairs, are shown merely in a preparatory drawing, showing how the manuscript was drawn before applying pigment.
Leaf size is approximately 255 x 190mm (10 x 7.5in)
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