Perek Shirah
A Chapter of Song
The British Library, London
ISBN 978-0-948223-17-4
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Perek Shirah is a cosmic hymn to the Creator in which all of Creation, including the winds, clouds, all species of birds, mammals and fish sing praises for their very existence. It opens with the promise that those who recite it “are assured of a place in the World to Come” and ends with the hope that their study will be transformed into good deeds that will win heavenly reward. The praises are expressed in the form of scriptural quotations, reflecting the Jewish belief in the interdependence of study and prayer. This tenth-century work also reflects an acute awareness of the spiritual dimension of nature and the environment.
This charming Hebrew and Yiddish manuscript was probably written by Aaron Wolf Schreiber Herlingen of Gewitsch, who worked in Vienna, probably the most famous Hebrew scribe of the eighteenth century. Its vellum leaves contain exquisite miniatures of many of the ‘worshippers’ within magnificent scenes from nature.

The Facsimile
The facsimile is printed on a specially-milled paper in up to seven colours, bound in aged vellum, and tooled as the original.
Commentary Volume
The commentary volume, printed on Fabriano Ingres, contains a short introduction by Malachi Beit-Arié, Ludwig Jesselson Professor of Codicology and Palaeography at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, explaining the origins of the Perek Shirah text. The text is translated by Jeremy Schonfield, Lecturer at the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies. The manuscript is described by Emile Schrijver, specialist in eighteenth-century Hebrew manuscripts at the Institute of Jewish Studies in Amsterdam. The foreword is written by Gideon Falter. The facsimile and commentary volume are housed in a hand-marbled slipcase.

The commentary volume was printed on 90gsm Fabriano Ingres and bound in fine-grain goatskin to match the presentation case. The facsimile is housed in its own container within the suede-lined goatskin presentation box which also holds the commentary volume.
A Chapter of Song
MS. Or. 54 (OR. 12,983)
A strictly limited edition of 550 copies printed on specially milled parchment paper.
ISBN 0 948223 170