Folio 34
Barcelona Haggadah
Folio 34
Folio 34
The Four Sons. ‘The wise one, what does he say? …’ The Wise Son sits reading at a lectern. He is portrayed as usual as an elderly man with a book. His beard, similar in colour to that of Rabbi Eleazar, is presumably intended to be white. He is seen in three-quarter view, pointing to the text of an open book, while another open book lies on the lectern beside him facing the viewer. The man’s face is finely modelledand foliate forms sprout from three of the corners of the initial word panel. The ornamental margins contain a bird, acorns and curious hybrid forms.
Verso, the second of the Four Sons, the wicked one, is depicted alone and as a soldier, who is about to attack a meek, defenceless man whom he holds by the beard. The wicked one’s helmet, collar, belt and hem were originally embellished with gold leaf, but his features are difficult to discern as they have been intentionally mutilated. The decorative border continues and contains three dogs and playful figures.
Leaf size is approximately 255 x 190mm (10 x 7.5in)
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