
Rothschild Miscellany Commentary Volume (imperfect)

Original price was: £650.00.Current price is: £499.00.

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The Rothschild Miscellany’s original Commentary Volume.

Five eminent scholars contributed to the commentary volume which describes the rich subject matter of the illustrations, the stylistic affinity and differences between the artists and their relation to general Italian illumination of the period, the historical and social background of the manuscript, the codicology, palaeography, religious and liturgical content of the Miscellany, and the binding. The commentary, illustrated in colour, is printed on Magnani mould-made paper with deckle edges and bound in blind-tooled morocco to complement the facsimile and presented in a cloth-covered slip-case, edged in goatskin.

PLEASE NOTE: This copy is imperfect. Approximately 8 pages are blank. These will be provided as scans for the purchaser to print and insert into their copy. In all other respects the volume is in mint condition.

This copy is offered at a significant discount.

SKU: F-RM-COMM-1 Category: